More Marvel launch announcements (International Iron Man by Bendis and Maleev, Punisher by Becky Cloonan and Steve Dillon, Hyperion, Nighthawk, X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever), Learning to Crawl by Dan Slott, Marvel Double Shipping, Empress by Millar and Immonen, various Star Wars titles, Green River Killer, Jessica Jones, Alias, Mattie Franklin Spider-Woman, Spider-Man/Deadpool by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness, Miracleman/Marvelman, DC Dark, DC Edge, Young DC, Titans Hunt, Kaijumax, A-Force, Totally Awesome Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Omniboo and Absolutes. A special return of the Red Alert this week! Two titles earn the distinction: Wonder Woman and Teen Titans. And, of course, the Comics Countdown for 21 Oct 2015
Sales Figures for September 2015 (Star Wars, recent DC launches, Image #1s, Midnighter), Predictions for Oct 2015 sales, Dr. Strange #1, Invincible Iron Man #1, Amazing Spider-Man #1, Superman: Lois & Clark by Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks, Injection TPB 1 by Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey, Captain America controversy, Mary Jane, Paper Doll, Jackpot, Phil Urich, Roderick Kingsley, Axis: Hobgoblin, Deadpool, Joe Kelly, Batman & Robin Eternal, Spider-Gwen and the Comics Countdown for 14 Oct 2015.
Show Notes! New York Comic-Con 2015 Recap: creative changes for Batman, Cup of Joe, Romita Jr on Dark Knight III, Seth Green and TMNT, DC Superhero Girls, Avengers event 'Standoff', Dark Horse's How to Train Your Dragon and Avatar, Ant-Man and the Wasp movie. Other topics: Bad ideas that made great comics, Netflix, Marvel TV vs. Marvel Movies, the X-Men movies, new Marvel launches Amazing Spider-Man, Invincible Iron Man, and Dr. Strange, Secret Wars 6, DC launches Telos and Batman & Robin Eternal, creator-owned launches, market flooding, Sparks, Living with Death.
Be sure to check out the recent Glenn collaboration:!Mini-Crossover-Comic-with-Glenn-Matchett-and-Jenny-Gorman/cxq3/561817290cf2c6c6436c85c8
And the Comics Countdown for 07 October 2015.
Show notes for this week: the new Black Widow series, Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire, the Direct book market, Robert Kirkman, Diamond distribution, Fill-ins, Grant Morrison, Earth One, geekmom, graphic policy, Aquaman and Aquarape, Spider-Man, Hugh Laurie, Fantastic Four, Comedy Books (Squirrel Girl, Howard the Duck, Harley Quinn), Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon, Marvel/DC gearing more projects towards children, DC Superhero Girls. And the Comics Countdown for 30 Sep (SHIELD, Sons of the Devil, Zodiac Star Force, Revival, They're Not Like Us, Batman Annual, American Vampire: Second Cycle, Archie, Book of Death: Fall of Harbinger, Sandman: Overture).