June 2019 solicits, Teen Titans 28, Batman 67, Spider-Man: City at War, Spider-Man: Life Story, Invisible Kingdom, Lazarus Risen, Dark Red, Firefly: Bad Company, Blessed Machine, Rise, Life and Death of Toyo Harada
Reviews: Suicide Squad, What Alice Knew
News: Garfield restaurant, Absolute Carnage from Cates/Stegman, Supernatural ending, Disney/Fox deal, Spider-Man Noir animated film, Silvestri Batman, Valkyrie by Aaron/Ewing, Hickman takes over X-Men, Trailers for Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, Stranger Things s3, Dora and the City of Gold
Comics Details:
Comics Countdown, 20 Mar 2019:
Top 500, Batman Who Laughs: Grim Knight, Superman 9, Age of Conan: Belit, Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts, Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Age of Republic: General Grievous, Uncanny X-Men: Winter’s End, Calamity Kate, Zootopia: Family Night, Radio Deli (OGN), Assassin Nation, Little Bird, Riverdale s3, Steven Universe: Fusion Frenzy
Reviews: Captain Marvel
News: Katy Keene cast, Nancy Drew movie/TV pilot, Supercrooks anime from Netflix, Animated What If, New DC Zoom books, Black Hammer/Justice League, Shang Chi director, return of Grendel, new Silver Surfer book by Donny Cates, rewritten Flash script, Archie creative shift, Hickman returns to Marvel, Toy Story 4 trailer, James Gunn
Comics Details:
Comics Countdown:
Doomsday Clock 9, Age of X-Man: Prisoner X, Amazing Spidey 16.HU, Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History, Domino Hotshots, Marvel Super Hero Adventures; Spider-Man - Spider-Sense of Adventure, Meet the Skrulls, Star Wars: AoR - Padme, Darth Vader: Dark Visions, Ziggy Pig Siggy Seal, Astro Hustle, Black Hammer ‘45, Frozen: Reunion Road, 6 Million Dollar Man, Ronin Island, Morning in America, Sparks: The Way I Was
Reviews: Captain Marvel, Stumptown v1, Punisher Max
Sparks: The Way I Was - https://www.comixology.com/Sparks-2/digital-comic/753106?ref=c2VyaWVzL3ZpZXcvZGVza3RvcC9ncmlkTGlzdC9SZWNlbnRBZGRpdGlvbnM
News: Mike Deodato leaves Marvel - new comic with Lemire from Dark Horse, Game of Thrones trailer, Sparks 2, Arrow ending, Idris Elba is Deadshot, BKV Gundam movie, DC collection madness, Mouse Guard casting
Comics Details:
Comics Countdown, 06 Mar 2019:
Top 500, Heroes in Crisis 6, Flash 65, Age of X-Man: X-Tremists, Amazing Spider-Man 16, Captain Marvel: Braver and Mightier, Sweetie, Forgotten Queen, Action Comics 714
Reviews: Oscars, Proof vol 1, Umbrella Academy: Dallas, Brooklyn 99 s2, Fighting With My Family, Dragon Prince s2
News: Stumptown with Cobie Smulders, Gail Simone’s Seven Days from Lion Forge, DieDieDie Image controversy, Detective Pikachu trailer, Dark Phoenix trailer
Comics Details:
Comics Countdown, 27 Feb 2019: