Top 10 Sales Jan 2016, DC Rebirth rumors, Spider-Man 1 by Bendis/Pichelli, Kickstarter, 03 Feb Comics Countdown.
Details: Top 10 (Walking Dead, Secret Wars, Wolverine, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Star Wars, Uncanny X-Men, Greg Land), cancellation of Black Knight, Howling Commandos or Angela next?, DC Rebirth (Tom King on Batman, Damian Wayne and the Teen Titans, Barbara Gordon, Oracle, Batgirl, JSA), Kickstarter (Black, Jamal Igle, Molly Danger, Paradox Girl, Alterna Anthology, Peter Simeti, Leaving Megalopolis, Hype by Palmiotti and Gray, Semiautomagic by Alex De Campi and Jerry Ordway), Dark Horse Presents, Kelly Williams, Tuki Save the Humans by Jeff Smith, Rasl, Bone.
03 Feb Comics Countdown: