Justice League 1, Unexpected 1, Man of Steel 2, Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Nightwing vs Hush, Ant-Man & The Wasp 1, Dazzler: X-Song, Deadpool 1, Doctor Strange 1, Immortal Hulk 1, Sword Daughter 1, Garfield Homecoming 1, Cellies 1, Aberrant 1, Vagrant Queen 1, News (Geoff Johns, Wonder Woman 2, Millarworld, Donny Cates Thanos, Unstoppable Wasp, Iceman, Asgardians, Wolverine by Soule/McNiven, Cloak & Dagger comixology, Spider-Geddon, Valiant relaunch, Vertigo relaunch, Archie 1941, MST3K, Ewan McGregor as Danny Torrance), Trailers, Reviews (Frostbite, Pan)
Comics Details:
- Justice League 1 by Scott Snyder, Jim Cheung, Mark Morales, Tomeu Morey
- The Unexpected 1 by Steve Orlando, Cary Nord, Ryan Sook, Mick Gray, Wade Von Grawbadger, Fco Plascencia
- Man of Steel 2 by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Fabok, Steve Rude, Doc Shaner, Alex Sinclair
- Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Nightwing vs. Hush by Tim Seeley, Travis Moore, Otto Schmidt, Tamra Bonvillain
- Ant-Man and the Wasp 1 by Mark Waid, Javier Garron, Israel Silva
- Dazzler: X-Song by Mags Visaggio, Laura Braga, Rachelle Rosenberg
- Deadpool 1 by Skottie Young, Nic Klein, Scott Hepburn, Ian Herring
- Doctor Strange 1 by Mark Waid, Jesus Saiz
- Immortal Hulk 1 by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy Jose, Paul Mounts
- Sword Daughter 1 by Brian Wood, Mack Chater, Jose Villarrubia
- Garfield Homecoming 1 by Scott Nickel, Sara Talmadge, Andy Hirsch
- Cellies 1 by Joe Flood
- Aberrant 1 by Rylend Grant, Zsombor Huszka, Iwan Triyono
- Vagrant Queen 1 by Magdalene Visaggio, Jason Smith, Harry Saxon, Zakk Saam
Comics Countdown 06 Jun 2018:
- Black Science 36 by Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno DiNisio
- Doctor Star and the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows 4 by Jeff Lemire, Max Fiumara, Dave Stewart
- Eternal Empire 9 by Sarah Vaughn, Jonathan Luna
- Scales & Scoundrels 10 by Sebastian Girner, Galaad
- TMNT 83 by Tom Waltz, Bobby Curnow, Kevin Eastman, Dave Wachter, Ronda Pattison
- Deathstroke 32 by Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan, Larry Hama, Roberto Viacava, Jason Paz, Jeromy Cox
- X-Men Red 5 by Tom Taylor, Mahmud Asrar, Rain Beredo
- Batman 48 by Tom King, Mikel Janin, June Chung
- Bombshells United 19 by Marguerite Bennett, David Hahn, J Nanjan
- Paper Girls 21 by Brian K Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, Dee Cunniffe, Matt Wilson