Symbiote Spider-Man, Age of Rebellion: Grand Moff Tarkin, Age of Rebellion: Princess Leia, Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage, War of Realms: Journey Into Mystery, Incredibles 2: Secret Identities, She Could Fly: Lost Pilot, Ariel and the Sea Wolf, Fairlady, Rat Queens: Swamp Romp, Cold Blood Samurai, Orphan Age, Faithless
Reviews: Derry Girls s2, Henry James ghost stories, Dumbo, Aliens: Dead Orbit, Tangled Series s2
News: Addams Family trailer, Lion King trailer, Star Wars trailer, new Loki and Punisher books, Angel by Bryan Hill, Joe Books folds, Invisible Woman by Mark Waid, Hawkeye TV series, AHS theme, Iain Glen is Batman, Disney+ line-up
Comics Details:
- Symbiote Spider-Man 1 by Peter David, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Frank D’Armata
- Age of Rebellion: Grand Moff Tarkin by Greg Pak, Marc Laming, Jordan Boyd, Neeraj Menon
- Age of Rebellion: Princess Leia by Greg Pak, Will Sliney, Chris Sprouse, Marc Deering, Karl Story, Tamra Bonvillain
- Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage by Frank Tieri, Danilo Beyruth, Andres Mossa
- War of Realms: Journey Into Mystery 1 by Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Travis McElroy, Andre Araujo, Chris O’Halloran
- Incredibles 2: Secret Identities by Christos Gage, Jean-Claudio Vinci, Dan Jackson
- She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot 1 by Christopher Cantwell, Martin Morazzo, Miroslav Mrva
- Ariel and the Sea Wolf HC by
- Orphan Age 1 by Ted Anderson, Nuno Plati
- Faithless 1 by Brian Azzarello, Maria Llovet
- Fairlady 1 by Brian Schirmer, Claudia Balboni, Marissa Louise
Comics Countdown, 10 Apr:
- Batman Who Laughs 4 by Scott Snyder, Jock, David Baron
- Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man 5 by Tom Taylor, Yildiray Cinar, Nolan Woodard
- Oblivion Song 14 by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Annalisa Leoni
- Unstoppable Wasp 6 by Jeremy Whitley, Alti Firmansyah, Espen Grundetjern
- Outer Darkness 6 by John Layman, Afu Chan
- Batman 68 by Tom King, Amanda Conner, Mikel Janin, Dan Panosian, John Timms, Jordie Bellaire, Paul Mounts
- Low 21 by Rick Remender, Greg Tocchini, Dave McCaig
- Ronin Island 2 by Greg Pak, Giannis Milonogiannis, Irma Kniivila
- Wonder Twins 3 by Mark Russell, Stephen Byrne
- Invaders 4 by Chip Zdarsky, Butch Guice, Carlos Magno, Alex Guim