Best of 2021
Comic Reviews:
- DC
- Swamp Thing: Green Hell 1 by Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke, David Baron
- Marvel
- Timeless 1 by Jed MacKay, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Mark Bagley, Kev Walker, Andrew Hennessy, Marte Gracia
- Wastelanders: Star Lord by Rich Douek, Brent Peeples, Rachelle Rosenberg, Cris Peter
- Iceman's New Years Resolution (Mighty Marvel Holiday Special) by Luciano Vecchio
- Image
- Stray Dogs: Dog Days 1 by Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner, Brad Simpson
- Boom
- Dune: Whisper of Caladan Seas 1 by Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Jakub Rebelka
- Power Rangers Universe 1 by Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono
- Ahoy
- My Bad 1-2 by Mark Russell, Bryce Ingman, Peter Krause, Joe Orsak, Paul Little, Kelly Fitzpatrick
- No Brainer by Edison Neo
- Arshia by Ashkan Rahgozar, Rasoul Rezaijou
Additional Reviews: Book of Boba Fett ep1, Death to 2021, Doctor Who, Underwater Welder, Lucifer Omni 2
News: Omninews, Morbius delayed three months, Chronicles of the Avatar book series
Comics Countdown:
- Black Hammer Reborn 7 by Jeff Lemire, Rich Tommaso, Malachi Ward, Matthew Sheean
- Swamp Thing: Green Hell 1 by Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke, David Baron
- Human Target 3 by Tom King, Greg Smallwood
- Amazing Spider-Man 83 by Patrick Gleason, Morry Hollowell, Nathan Fairbairn
- Ice Cream Man 27 by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, Chris O'Halloran
- Action Comics 1038 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Shawn Aldridge, Adriano Melo, Miguel Mendonca, Hi-Fi, Adriano Lucas
- Once and Future 23 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain
- Power Rangers 14 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo
- Blue Flame 6 by Christopher Cantwell, Adam Gorham, K. Michael Russell
- Flash 777 by Jeremy Adams, Matt Ryan, Fernando Pasarin, Jeromy Cox